best wool for needle felting
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Best Wool For Needle Felting

The best wool to use for needle felting is called roving. This is not a well organised and teased fleece, but a clean and carded wool that can be easily meshed together. The principles of the needle are that the barbs allow us to entangle the strands. Roving wool allows this to happen easily. The more messy the wool to start with the easier it becomes. It is not a science. However you can get started easily.

roving wool

You want to be able to pull it apart gently and keep the fleece in line ready to manipulate.

Best wool for beginners needle felting projects

This wool is 100% Natural Wool Roving and perfect for making needle felting projects. It is from Corriedale cross sheep and you are also helping support an industry which has been established since 1955.

Perfect if you want an undyed roving wool, but for more vibrancy you could go for best range of colors for wool in needle felting because with this kit you get 50 Colors Fibre Wool Yarn Roving . So you can be as creative as you like. It also gives you perfect freedom to play around.

Needle felting accessories

You will also need a good quality one of these! for needle felting it is great to use the best wool pad for the job as well This one is also rather cute as it is made from natural wool.

These are fancy and it will save you time in the future that they are colour coded too! best needle for the best wool for needle felting there are other brands available but these really will be a life saver in the future.

Needle Felting Projects For Beginners

We love to be creative and hope that everyone can find our Needle Felted Baubles nice and easy for your first project. We are using our new skills to work out the best rare breed sheep for our small holding. So that we can use all of our own produce.

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