needle felting with cookie cutters
crafts, Uncategorized

Needle Felting with Cookie Cutters

Needle felting with cutters is the ideal beginners project. You can create any shape without the need to be highly skilled whilst protecting your fingers from getting a little stabbed with the needle.

Needle Felting Supplies

you will need roving wool in any colour of your choice.  Then you will need a set of needles, normal needles won’t do! If you want to learn more about the best wool for needle felting have a little look at our other articles.


needle felting essential supplies best wool


needle felting essentials
Then take a look at some of the cookie cutters you already own, or try some here. We go for metal ones but just be aware that the end of your needle will be brittle and susceptible to damage if you hit the metal.

weird and wacky cookie cutters for needle felting projects

YouTube Tutorial


Using the Cookie Cutters

roving wool used for needle felting
You will start as normal with gathering the roving wool. Do not use scissors to cut it as we want those raggedy edges to form the entanglement and therefore the felting effect.
holding the cookie cutter on the outside gives your fingers protection
You will gently push the needle through the wool, not jab or stab. If you do stab you could break the needle tip on the metal. If you push down too far it will attache itself to the needle felting pad beneath. This is not ideal as we want to felt from both sides.
Just gently drop the needle into the cookie cutter
Your fingers are protected because they are on the outside of the cookie cutter. You can turn the cookie cutter over and felt from behind, but you can also adjust the angle that you hold your needle at. Just bounce it in but at 45 degrees to make different bonds.

This will take around twenty minutes.  You can hold it between finger and thumb to feel if it is thick enough.

If the cookie cutter is massive it will take longer. If you ant a more dense shape it will also take longer.

Once you take your needle felting out of the cookie cutter it wont go back in
You can then tidy it up once it is out of the cookie cutter. Remember that you won’t be able to easily fit it back inside your shape though.


What next?

We will put the stars into a mobile for a gift, but the hearts will form part of a little valentines garland.

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